Are you important to yourself? Yes, you are. You are important to yourself. Your problem, family, job, money, relationship is not important than you. You are important in your life. Without you nothing can be done. You are so distracted that you didn't see yourself. Even me. Let me remind you, you are so important. This statement never hit me until I fall really sick. The moment of alter pain and disable, that's when I realized how important I'm (my body and mind) is to me. I didn't care about my body, I didn't give enough nutrients, I didn't study about my diagnosis, I was in the world of distraction. I didn't take care and give attention to myself. I thought medicine is enough for my body to heal. I WAS WRONG. Medication only is not enough for my body. I wish my doctors tell me if I workout/exercise I will get better. Or take enough nutrients. No, they didn't say anything like that. They only say "Take this medicine you will be ...